#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import shutil import sys import platform import subprocess import tempfile import hashlib import re def sha512(s): h = hashlib.sha512() h.update(s) return h.digest() prefix = '/usr/local' clean = True trim = True tryifunc = True darwin = platform.system() == 'Darwin' def hostsanitize(host): host = host.split('-')[0] host = ''.join(c for c in host if c in '_0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz') for prefix,result in ( ('amd64','amd64'), ('x86_64','amd64'), ('x86','x86'), ('i386','x86'), ('i686','x86'), ('arm64','arm64'), ('armv8','arm64'), ('aarch64','arm64'), ('arm','arm32'), ('riscv64','riscv64'), ('riscv','riscv32'), ('mips64','mips64'), ('mips','mips32'), ('ppc64','ppc64'), ('powerpc64','ppc64'), ('powerpc','ppc32'), ('ppc','ppc32'), ('sparc64','sparc64'), ('sparcv9','sparc64'), ('sun4u','sparc64'), ('sparc','sparc32'), ('sun','sparc32'), ): if host.startswith(prefix): return result return host host = hostsanitize(platform.machine()) configurelog = '' def log(x): global configurelog configurelog += x+'\n' print(x) makefile = '' for arg in sys.argv[1:]: if arg.startswith('--prefix='): prefix = arg[9:] continue if arg.startswith('--host='): host = hostsanitize(arg[7:]) continue if arg == '--clean': clean = True continue if arg == '--noclean': clean = False continue if arg == '--trim': trim = True continue if arg == '--notrim': trim = False continue if arg == '--tryifunc': tryifunc = True continue if arg == '--notryifunc': tryifunc = False continue if arg == '--darwin': darwin = True continue if arg == '--nodarwin': darwin = False continue raise ValueError('unrecognized argument %s' % arg) echoargs = './configure' echoargs += ' --prefix=%s' % prefix echoargs += ' --host=%s' % host if clean: echoargs += ' --clean' if not clean: echoargs += ' --noclean' if trim: echoargs += ' --trim' if not trim: echoargs += ' --notrim' if tryifunc: echoargs += ' --tryifunc' if not tryifunc: echoargs += ' --notryifunc' if darwin: echoargs += ' --darwin' if not darwin: echoargs += ' --nodarwin' log(echoargs) if prefix[0] != '/': raise ValueError('prefix %s is not an absolute path' % prefix) if clean: shutil.rmtree('build/%s' % host,ignore_errors=True) def dirlinksym(dir,source,target): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=dir) as t: os.symlink(target,'%s/symlink' % t) os.rename('%s/symlink' % t,'%s/%s' % (dir,source)) os.makedirs('build/%s' % host,exist_ok=True) os.makedirs('build/%s/package/bin' % host,exist_ok=True) os.makedirs('build/%s/package/lib' % host,exist_ok=True) os.makedirs('build/%s/package/include' % host,exist_ok=True) if clean: os.symlink('../..','build/%s/src' % host) def copytree(src,dst,acceptfn=None): # starting with python 3.8 can use shutil.copytree # with dirs_exist_ok=True # but want to support older versions of python too # and want to symlink rather than copying os.makedirs(dst,exist_ok=True) for fn in sorted(os.listdir(src)): srcfn = '%s/%s' % (src,fn) if os.path.isdir(srcfn): dstfn = '%s/%s' % (dst,fn) copytree(srcfn,dstfn) else: if acceptfn is not None: if not acceptfn(fn): continue dirlinksym(dst,fn,'../'*(len(dst.split('/'))-2)+'src/'+srcfn) shutil.copystat(src,dst) def acceptfn_shared(fn): if fn.startswith('shared-'): return True if fn.endswith('.S'): return True if fn.endswith('.h'): return True if fn.endswith('.data'): return True return False def acceptfn_nonshared(fn): if fn.startswith('shared-'): if fn.endswith('.c'): return False return True if not fn.endswith('.S'): return True return False shutil.copy2('api','build/%s/api' % host) copytree('scripts-build','build/%s/scripts' % host) copytree('cpuid','build/%s/cpuid' % host) copytree('priority','build/%s/priority' % host) copytree('include-build','build/%s/include-build' % host) with open('project/namespace') as f: projectnamespace = f.read().strip() with open('project/library') as f: projectlibrary = f.read().strip() # ----- shared-library variations so = 'dylib' if darwin else 'so' so1 = '1.dylib' if darwin else 'so.1' soname = 'install_name' if darwin else 'soname' sharedlibopts = '-shared -flat_namespace' if darwin else '-shared' with open(f'build/{host}/scripts/sharedlib-so1','w') as f: f.write(so1+'\n') with open(f'build/{host}/scripts/sharedlib-soname','w') as f: f.write(soname+'\n') with open(f'build/{host}/scripts/sharedlib-opts','w') as f: f.write(sharedlibopts+'\n') # ----- inttypes with open('inttypes/crypto_intN.h') as f: intN = f.read() with open('inttypes/crypto_uintN.h') as f: uintN = f.read() for bits in 8,16,32,64: with open('build/%s/include-build/crypto_int%d.h' % (host,bits),'w') as f: f.write(re.sub('N',str(bits),intN)) with open('build/%s/include-build/crypto_uint%d.h' % (host,bits),'w') as f: f.write(re.sub('N',str(bits),uintN)) # ----- compilers def compilerversion(c): try: p = subprocess.Popen(c.split()+['--version'],stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,universal_newlines=True) out,err = p.communicate() assert not err assert not p.returncode return out except: pass allarches = [] compilerversionline = {} compilers = {} for arch in sorted(os.listdir('compilers')): if arch.endswith('.c'): continue if arch == 'default' or arch == host or arch.startswith('%s+' % host): allarches += [arch] compilers[arch] = [] with open('compilers/%s' % arch) as f: for c in f.readlines(): c = c.strip() cv = compilerversion(c) if cv == None: log('skipping %s compiler %s' % (arch,c)) continue compilers[arch] += [c] cv = (c+'\n'+cv).strip().replace('\n','; ') compilerversionline[arch,c] = cv log('using %s compiler %s' % (arch,cv)) with open('build/%s/allarches' % host,'w') as f: for arch in allarches: f.write('%s\n' % arch) firstcompiler = compilers['default'][0] with open('build/%s/scripts/cdcompile' % host,'w') as f: f.write('#!/bin/sh\n') f.write('\n') f.write('cd "$1"; shift\n') f.write('exec %s "$@"\n' % firstcompiler) os.chmod('build/%s/scripts/cdcompile' % host,0o755) compilerabbrev = {} i = 0 for arch in allarches: for compiler in compilers[arch]: compilerabbrev[arch,compiler] = 'C%d'%i i += 1 log('abbreviating %s = %s %s' % (compilerabbrev[arch,compiler],arch,compiler)) if len(compilerabbrev) != len(sorted(compiler for arch in allarches for compiler in compilers[arch])): raise Exception('duplicate compilers not allowed; note: ok to add an arch with an empty compiler list') os.makedirs('build/%s/compilerarch' % host,exist_ok=True) for arch,compiler in compilerabbrev: with open('build/%s/compilerarch/%s' % (host,compilerabbrev[arch,compiler]),'w') as f: f.write('%s\n' % arch) os.makedirs('build/%s/compilerversion' % host,exist_ok=True) for arch,compiler in compilerabbrev: with open('build/%s/compilerversion/%s' % (host,compilerabbrev[arch,compiler]),'w') as f: f.write('%s\n' % compilerversionline[arch,compiler]) # ----- run-time checks for whether host actually supports compiler copytree('compilers','build/%s/compilers' % host) for arch in allarches: if arch == 'default': continue assert os.path.exists('compilers/%s.c'%arch) arch_csymbol = ''.join(x if x in '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' else '_' for x in arch) M = '\n' M += 'compilers/%s.o: compilers/%s.c\n' % (arch,arch) M += '\tscripts/compiledefault compilers %s c -Dsupports=%s_supports_%s\n' % (arch,projectnamespace,arch_csymbol) makefile = M + makefile M = '\n' M += 'compilers-all: %s\n' % ' '.join('compilers/%s.o'%arch for arch in allarches if arch != 'default') M += '\ttouch compilers-all\n' makefile = M + makefile # ----- build-time checks for ifunc copytree('dispatch','build/%s/dispatch' % host) with open('build/%s/dispatch/tryifunc' % host,'w') as f: f.write('1\n' if tryifunc else '0\n') M = '\n' M += 'dispatch/ifunc: dispatch/ifunc.do dispatch/tryifunc\n' M += '\tdispatch/ifunc.do\n' makefile = M + makefile # ----- crypto operations = [] primitives = {} sizes = {} exports = {} prototypes = {} with open('api') as f: for line in f: line = line.strip() if line.startswith('crypto_'): x = line.split() x = x[0].split('/') assert len(x) == 2 o = x[0].split('_')[1] if o not in operations: operations += [o] p = x[1] if o not in primitives: primitives[o] = [] primitives[o] += [p] continue if line.startswith('#define '): x = line.split(' ') x = x[1].split('_') assert len(x) == 4 assert x[0] == 'crypto' o = x[1] p = x[2] if (o,p) not in sizes: sizes[o,p] = '' sizes[o,p] += line+'\n' continue if line.endswith(');'): fun,args = line[:-2].split('(') rettype,fun = fun.split() fun = fun.split('_') o = fun[1] assert fun[0] == 'crypto' if o not in exports: exports[o] = [] exports[o] += ['_'.join(fun[1:])] if o not in prototypes: prototypes[o] = [] prototypes[o] += [(rettype,fun,args)] with open('doc/hdoc') as f: hfile = f.read() hfile += """ #ifndef %s_h #define %s_h #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif """ % (projectnamespace,projectnamespace) with open('hdef') as f: hfile += '\n' hfile += f.read() with open('version') as f: version = f.readlines()[0].strip() def cstring(x): return '"%s"' % x.replace('\\','\\\\').replace('"','\\"').replace('\n','\\n') hfile += '\n' hfile += '#define %s_version %s\n' % (projectnamespace,cstring(version)) hfile += '#define %s_arch %s\n' % (projectnamespace,cstring(host)) hfile += '\n' hfile += 'extern void %s_cpuid(unsigned int *,long long);\n' % projectnamespace for o in operations: for ppos,p in enumerate(primitives[o]): if (o,p) not in sizes: sizes[o,p] = '' if len(sizes[o,p]) > 0: S = re.sub(' crypto_',' %s_'%projectnamespace,sizes[o,p]) if ppos == 0: hfile += '\n' hfile += re.sub('%s_%s_%s_'%(projectnamespace,o,p),'%s_%s_'%(projectnamespace,o),S) hfile += '\n' hfile += S for rettype,fun,args in prototypes[o]: shortfun = '_'.join(fun[1:]) pshortfun = '_'.join([o,p]+fun[2:]) if ppos == 0: hfile += '\n' hfile += '#define %s_%s %s_%s\n' % (projectnamespace,shortfun,projectnamespace,pshortfun) hfile += '#define %s_dispatch_%s %s_dispatch_%s\n' % (projectnamespace,shortfun,projectnamespace,pshortfun) hfile += '\n' hfile += 'extern %s %s_%s(%s);\n' % (rettype,projectnamespace,pshortfun,args) hfile += 'extern %s (*%s_dispatch_%s(long long))(%s);\n' % (rettype,projectnamespace,pshortfun,args) if ppos == 0: hfile += '\n' hfile += '#define %s_%s_implementation %s_%s_%s_implementation\n' % (projectnamespace,o,projectnamespace,o,p) hfile += '#define %s_%s_compiler %s_%s_%s_compiler\n' % (projectnamespace,o,projectnamespace,o,p) hfile += '#define %s_dispatch_%s_implementation %s_dispatch_%s_%s_implementation\n' % (projectnamespace,o,projectnamespace,o,p) hfile += '#define %s_dispatch_%s_compiler %s_dispatch_%s_%s_compiler\n' % (projectnamespace,o,projectnamespace,o,p) hfile += '#define %s_numimpl_%s %s_numimpl_%s_%s\n' % (projectnamespace,o,projectnamespace,o,p) hfile += '\n' hfile += 'extern const char *%s_%s_%s_implementation(void);\n' % (projectnamespace,o,p) hfile += 'extern const char *%s_%s_%s_compiler(void);\n' % (projectnamespace,o,p) hfile += 'extern const char *%s_dispatch_%s_%s_implementation(long long);\n' % (projectnamespace,o,p) hfile += 'extern const char *%s_dispatch_%s_%s_compiler(long long);\n' % (projectnamespace,o,p) hfile += 'extern long long %s_numimpl_%s_%s(void);\n' % (projectnamespace,o,p) hfile += """ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif """ with open('build/%s/package/include/%s.h' % (host,projectnamespace),'w') as f: f.write(hfile) os.chmod('build/%s/package/include/%s.h' % (host,projectnamespace),0o644) for o in operations: for p in primitives[o]: cryptoh = '' cryptoh += '#ifndef crypto_%s_%s_h\n' % (o,p) cryptoh += '#define crypto_%s_%s_h\n' % (o,p) cryptoh += '\n' for rettype,fun,args in prototypes[o]: pshortfun = '_'.join([o,p]+fun[2:]) cryptoh += '#define crypto_%s %s_%s\n' % (pshortfun,projectnamespace,pshortfun) cryptoh += '\n' cryptoh += sizes[o,p] cryptoh += '\n' for rettype,fun,args in prototypes[o]: pshortfun = '_'.join([o,p]+fun[2:]) cryptoh += 'extern %s crypto_%s(%s);\n' % (rettype,pshortfun,args) cryptoh += '\n' cryptoh += '#endif\n' with open('build/%s/include-build/crypto_%s_%s.h' % (host,o,p),'w') as f: f.write(cryptoh) doth = {} for o in operations: for p in primitives[o]: result = '' result += '#ifndef crypto_%s_h\n' % o result += '#define crypto_%s_h\n' % o result += '\n' for m in exports[o]: result += '#define crypto_%s CRYPTO_NAMESPACE(%s)\n' % (m,m) result += '\n' result += sizes[o,p] result += re.sub('crypto_%s_%s_'%(o,p),'crypto_%s_'%o,sizes[o,p]) result += '\n' for rettype,fun,args in prototypes[o]: result += 'extern %s %s(%s) __attribute__((visibility("default")));\n' % (rettype,'_'.join(fun),args) result += '\n' result += '#endif\n' doth[o,p] = result impls = {} for o in operations: for p in primitives[o]: impls[o,p] = [] for i in sorted(os.listdir('crypto_%s/%s' % (o,p))): impldir = 'crypto_%s/%s/%s' % (o,p,i) if not os.path.isdir(impldir): continue if os.stat(impldir).st_mode & 0o1000 == 0o1000: log('skipping sticky %s' % impldir) continue implarch = None if os.path.exists('%s/architectures' % impldir): with open('%s/architectures' % impldir) as f: for line in f: line = line.strip().split() if len(line) == 0: continue if line[0] != host: continue implarch = line else: implarch = [host] if implarch == None: continue assert implarch[0] == host impls[o,p] += [(i,impldir,implarch)] undisciplined = set() file_hash = {} inclusions = {} namespace_defines = {} namespace_uses = {} namespace_definedin = {} def file_process(dir,fn,substitutes={}): if (dir,fn) in file_hash: return if fn in substitutes: x = substitutes[fn] else: with open(dir+'/'+fn) as f: x = f.read() file_hash[dir,fn] = sha512(x.encode('utf8')) inclusions[dir,fn] = [] namespace_defines[dir,fn] = [] namespace_uses[dir,fn] = [] for line in x.splitlines(): line = line.split() if line[:3] == ['//','linker','define']: for x in line[3:]: namespace_defines[dir,fn] += [x] if (dir,x) in namespace_definedin: undisciplined.add(dir) namespace_definedin[dir,x] = fn if line[:3] == ['//','linker','use']: for x in line[3:]: namespace_uses[dir,fn] += [x] if line[:1] != ['#include']: continue if len(line) < 2: continue subfn = line[1] if not subfn.startswith('"'): continue if not subfn.endswith('"'): continue subfn = subfn[1:-1] if subfn == 'randombytes.h': continue if subfn.startswith('crypto_') and subfn not in substitutes: continue inclusions[dir,fn] += [subfn] file_process(dir,subfn,substitutes) checksum_cache = {} checksum_inprogress = set() def checksum(dir,fn): if dir in undisciplined: return os.urandom(32) if (dir,fn) not in checksum_cache: if (dir,fn) in checksum_inprogress: undisciplined.add(dir) return os.urandom(32) checksum_inprogress.add((dir,fn)) result = file_hash[dir,fn] for subfn in inclusions[dir,fn]: result += checksum(dir,subfn) for symbol in namespace_uses[dir,fn]: if (dir,symbol) in namespace_definedin: result += checksum(dir,namespace_definedin[dir,symbol]) result = sha512(result) checksum_cache[dir,fn] = result checksum_inprogress.remove((dir,fn)) return checksum_cache[dir,fn] checksum_context = {} for o in operations: for p in primitives[o]: for i,impldir,implarch in impls[o,p]: for fn in sorted(os.listdir(impldir)): if fn.endswith('.c') or fn.endswith('.S'): file_process(impldir,fn,substitutes={'crypto_%s.h'%o:doth[o,p]}) for fn in sorted(os.listdir(impldir)): if fn.endswith('.c') or fn.endswith('.S'): c = checksum(impldir,fn) if c not in checksum_context: checksum_context[c] = [] checksum_context[c] += [(o,p,i,impldir,implarch,fn)] copywithinclusions_done = set() def copywithinclusions(targetdir,dir,fn,substitutes={}): if (targetdir,fn) in copywithinclusions_done: return copywithinclusions_done.add((targetdir,fn)) if fn in substitutes: with open(targetdir+'/'+fn,'w') as f: f.write(substitutes[fn]) shutil.copystat(dir,targetdir+'/'+fn) else: dirlinksym(targetdir,fn,'../'*(len(targetdir.split('/'))-2)+'src/'+dir+'/'+fn) for subfn in inclusions[dir,fn]: copywithinclusions(targetdir,dir,subfn,substitutes) unified_files = {} # crypto_o/p/i/fn will be unified across multiple (o,p,i,fn) # if fn in unified_files[o,p,i] for o in operations: for p in primitives[o]: for i,impldir,implarch in impls[o,p]: unified_files[o,p,i] = set() unified_symbols = set() for fn in sorted(os.listdir(impldir)): if not(fn.endswith('.S') or fn.endswith('.c')): continue if len(namespace_defines[impldir,fn]) == 0: continue c = checksum(impldir,fn) if c not in checksum_context: continue if len(checksum_context[c]) == 1: continue unified_files[o,p,i].add(fn) for symbol in namespace_defines[impldir,fn]: unified_symbols.add(symbol) progress = True while progress: progress = False for fn in sorted(unified_files[o,p,i]): if any(symbol not in unified_symbols for symbol in namespace_uses[impldir,fn]): progress = True unified_files[o,p,i].remove(fn) for symbol in namespace_defines[impldir,fn]: unified_symbols.remove(symbol) unified_built = set() checksum_unified = {} unified_counter = {} def unified_dir(o,p,i,fn): allowedchars = '0123456789' allowedchars += 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' allowedchars += 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' base = ''.join(c for c in fn if c in allowedchars) if len(base) == 0: base = 'x' if base not in unified_counter: unified_counter[base] = 0 unified_counter[base] += 1 return 'unified/%s/%d' % (base,unified_counter[base]) for o in operations: for p in primitives[o]: for i,impldir,implarch in impls[o,p]: if impldir in undisciplined: log('warning: undisciplined %s' % impldir) unified_files[o,p,i] = [] for fn in unified_files[o,p,i]: if acceptfn_shared(fn): c = checksum(impldir,fn) if c not in checksum_unified: checksum_unified[c] = unified_dir(o,p,i,fn) else: for arch in compilers: if any(implarchreq not in arch.split('+')[1:] for implarchreq in implarch[1:]): continue for compiler in compilers[arch]: c = checksum(impldir,fn) if (c,compiler) not in checksum_unified: checksum_unified[c,compiler] = unified_dir(o,p,i,fn) ofiles = [] opicdirs = [] builddirs = [] opicdir2dependencies = {} def impl2symbol(i): return i.replace('-','').replace('_','') for o in operations: for p in primitives[o]: for i,impldir,implarch in impls[o,p]: builtshared = False needshared = False shareddeps = [] for arch in compilers: if any(implarchreq not in arch.split('+')[1:] for implarchreq in implarch[1:]): continue for compiler in compilers[arch]: if not builtshared: shareddeps += ['%s/%s/%s/shared' % (o,p,i)] builddirs += ['%s/%s/%s/shared' % (o,p,i)] shared_builddir = 'build/%s/%s/%s/%s/shared' % (host,o,p,i) os.makedirs(shared_builddir,exist_ok=True) copytree(impldir,shared_builddir,acceptfn_shared) nonunified_shared_compiler = compiler for fn2 in sorted(unified_files[o,p,i]): if not acceptfn_shared(fn2): continue for symbol in namespace_defines[impldir,fn2]: c2 = checksum(impldir,fn2) nonunified_shared_compiler += ' -D%s_%s_%s_%s_%s_%s=%s_%s_%s_%s' % ( projectnamespace,o,p,impl2symbol(i),'shared',symbol, projectnamespace,checksum_unified[c2].replace('/','_'),'shared',symbol ) with open('%s/compiler' % shared_builddir,'w') as f: f.write(nonunified_shared_compiler+'\n') for fn in sorted(os.listdir(impldir)): if not acceptfn_shared(fn): continue if fn.endswith('.S') or fn.endswith('.c'): needshared = True base = fn[:-2] ext = fn[-1:] if fn in unified_files[o,p,i]: if not acceptfn_shared(fn): continue c = checksum(impldir,fn) shareddeps += ['%s/shared' % checksum_unified[c]] if checksum_unified[c] not in unified_built: builddirs += ['%s/shared' % checksum_unified[c]] unifieddir = 'build/%s/%s/shared' % (host,checksum_unified[c]) os.makedirs(unifieddir,exist_ok=True) copywithinclusions(unifieddir,impldir,fn,substitutes={'crypto_%s.h'%o:doth[o,p]}) unified_shared_compiler = compiler for fn2 in sorted(unified_files[o,p,i]): if not acceptfn_shared(fn2): continue for symbol in namespace_defines[impldir,fn2]: c2 = checksum(impldir,fn2) unified_shared_compiler += ' -D%s_%s_%s_%s=%s_%s_%s_%s' % ( projectnamespace,checksum_unified[c].replace('/','_'),'shared',symbol, projectnamespace,checksum_unified[c2].replace('/','_'),'shared',symbol ) with open('%s/compiler' % unifieddir,'w') as f: f.write(unified_shared_compiler+'\n') makefile += '\n' ofiles += ['%s/shared/%s.o' % (checksum_unified[c],base)] makefile += '%s/shared/%s.o: %s/shared/%s\n' % (checksum_unified[c],base,checksum_unified[c],fn) makefile += '\tscripts/compile %s/shared %s %s %s\n' % (checksum_unified[c],base,ext,projectnamespace) unified_built.add(checksum_unified[c]) else: makefile += '\n' ofiles += ['%s/%s/%s/shared/%s.o' % (o,p,i,base)] makefile += '%s/%s/%s/shared/%s.o: %s/%s/%s/shared/%s\n' % (o,p,i,base,o,p,i,fn) makefile += '\tscripts/compile %s/%s/%s/shared %s %s %s\n' % (o,p,i,base,ext,projectnamespace) builtshared = True dependencies = list(shareddeps) if needshared else [] compilerdir = compilerabbrev[arch,compiler] opicdir = '%s/%s/%s/%s' % (o,p,i,compilerdir) opicdirs += [opicdir] builddirs += [opicdir] builddir = 'build/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s' % (host,o,p,i,compilerdir) os.makedirs(builddir,exist_ok=True) copytree(impldir,builddir,acceptfn_nonshared) nonunified_nonshared_compiler = compiler for fn in sorted(unified_files[o,p,i]): for symbol in namespace_defines[impldir,fn]: c = checksum(impldir,fn) if acceptfn_shared(fn): nonunified_nonshared_compiler += ' -D%s_%s_%s_%s_%s_%s=%s_%s_%s_%s' % ( projectnamespace,o,p,impl2symbol(i),'shared',symbol, projectnamespace,checksum_unified[c].replace('/','_'),'shared',symbol ) else: nonunified_nonshared_compiler += ' -D%s_%s_%s_%s_%s_%s=%s_%s_%s_%s' % ( projectnamespace,o,p,impl2symbol(i),compilerdir,symbol, projectnamespace,checksum_unified[c,compiler].replace('/','_'),compilerdir,symbol ) with open('%s/crypto_%s.h' % (builddir,o),'w') as f: f.write(doth[o,p]) with open('%s/compiler' % builddir,'w') as f: f.write(nonunified_nonshared_compiler+'\n') for fn in sorted(os.listdir(impldir)): if not acceptfn_nonshared(fn): continue if fn.endswith('.c'): base = fn[:-2] ext = fn[-1:] if fn in unified_files[o,p,i]: if not acceptfn_nonshared(fn): continue c = checksum(impldir,fn) dependencies += ['%s/%s' % (checksum_unified[c,compiler],compilerdir)] if checksum_unified[c,compiler] not in unified_built: unifieddir = 'build/%s/%s/%s' % (host,checksum_unified[c,compiler],compilerdir) builddirs += ['%s/%s' % (checksum_unified[c,compiler],compilerdir)] os.makedirs(unifieddir,exist_ok=True) copywithinclusions(unifieddir,impldir,fn,substitutes={'crypto_%s.h'%o:doth[o,p]}) unified_nonshared_compiler = compiler for fn2 in sorted(unified_files[o,p,i]): for symbol in namespace_defines[impldir,fn2]: c2 = checksum(impldir,fn2) if acceptfn_shared(fn2): unified_nonshared_compiler += ' -D%s_%s_%s_%s=%s_%s_%s_%s' % ( projectnamespace,checksum_unified[c,compiler].replace('/','_'),'shared',symbol, projectnamespace,checksum_unified[c2].replace('/','_'),'shared',symbol ) else: unified_nonshared_compiler += ' -D%s_%s_%s_%s=%s_%s_%s_%s' % ( projectnamespace,checksum_unified[c,compiler].replace('/','_'),compilerdir,symbol, projectnamespace,checksum_unified[c2,compiler].replace('/','_'),compilerdir,symbol ) with open('%s/compiler' % unifieddir,'w') as f: f.write(unified_nonshared_compiler+'\n') makefile += '\n' ofiles += ['%s/%s/%s.o' % (checksum_unified[c,compiler],compilerdir,base)] makefile += '%s/%s/%s.o: %s/%s/%s\n' % (checksum_unified[c,compiler],compilerdir,base,checksum_unified[c,compiler],compilerdir,fn) makefile += '\tscripts/compile %s/%s %s %s %s\n' % (checksum_unified[c,compiler],compilerdir,base,ext,projectnamespace) unified_built.add(checksum_unified[c,compiler]) else: makefile += '\n' ofiles += ['%s/%s/%s/%s/%s.o' % (o,p,i,compilerdir,base)] makefile += '%s/%s/%s/%s/%s.o: %s/%s/%s/%s/%s\n' % (o,p,i,compilerdir,base,o,p,i,compilerdir,fn) makefile += '\tscripts/compile %s/%s/%s/%s %s %s %s\n' % (o,p,i,compilerdir,base,ext,projectnamespace) opicdir2dependencies[opicdir] = dependencies if len(dependencies) > 0: with open(builddir+'/dependencies','w') as f: f.write('\n'.join(dependencies)) # ----- dispatch with open('build/%s/opicdirs'%host,'w') as f: for opicdir in opicdirs: f.write(opicdir+'\n') M = '' M += 'compiledimplementations: opicdirs scripts/compiledimplementations result-impl \\\n' for opicdir in opicdirs: M += '%s/allcompiled \\\n' % opicdir M += '\n' M += '\tscripts/compiledimplementations < opicdirs > compiledimplementations\n' M += '\tcat result-impl\n' M += '\n' M += 'result-impl: \\\n' for opicdir in opicdirs: M += '%s/result \\\n' % opicdir M += '\n' M += '\tscripts/result-impl < opicdirs > result-impl\n' M += '\n' for opicdir in opicdirs: if len(opicdir2dependencies[opicdir]) > 0: dependencies_compiled = ' '.join(builddir+'/allcompiled' for builddir in opicdir2dependencies[opicdir]) M += '%s/allcompiled: %s\n' % (opicdir,dependencies_compiled) M += '\n' builddir_ofiles = {} for builddir in builddirs: assert len(builddir.split('/')) == 4 builddir_ofiles[builddir] = [] for ofile in ofiles: builddir = ofile.split('/')[:4] if len(builddir) < 4: continue builddir = '/'.join(builddir) builddir_ofiles[builddir] += [ofile] for builddir in builddirs: M += '%s/allcompiled: %s\n' % (builddir,' '.join(builddir_ofiles[builddir])) M += '\ttouch %s/allcompiled\n' % builddir M += '\n' for opicdir in opicdirs: deps = [opicdir+'/result-namespace',opicdir+'/result-insns'] deps += builddir_ofiles[opicdir] deps = ' '.join(deps) results = [opicdir+'/result-namespace',opicdir+'/result-insns'] for ofile in builddir_ofiles[opicdir]: ofile = '/'.join(ofile.split('/')[4:]) results += [opicdir+'/result-compile-'+ofile[:-2]] results = ' '.join(results) M += '%s/result: %s\n' % (opicdir,deps) M += '\tcat %s > %s/result\n' % (results,opicdir) M += '\n' for opicdir in opicdirs: M += '%s/result-insns: %s/allcompiled scripts/checkinsns\n' % (opicdir,opicdir) M += '\tscripts/checkinsns %s %s\n' % (host,opicdir) M += '\n' for opicdir in opicdirs: M += '%s/result-namespace: %s/allcompiled scripts/checknamespace\n' % (opicdir,opicdir) M += '\tscripts/checknamespace %s %s\n' % (projectnamespace,opicdir) M += '\n' makefile = M + makefile selectedlist = ' '.join('selected/%s_%s' % (o,p) for o in operations for p in primitives[o]) M = 'usedimplementations: scripts/usedimplementations %s\n' % selectedlist M += '\tscripts/usedimplementations %s > usedimplementations\n' % selectedlist M += '\n' makefile = M + makefile os.makedirs('build/%s/selected' % host,exist_ok=True) M = '' for o in operations: for p in primitives[o]: M += 'selected/%s_%s: scripts/selected compiledimplementations\n' % (o,p) M += '\tscripts/selected %s %s %s %s < compiledimplementations > selected/%s_%s\n' % (o,p,host,trim,o,p) M += '\n' makefile = M + makefile for goal in 'auto','manual': os.makedirs('build/%s/dispatch-%s' % (host,goal),exist_ok=True) M = '' for o in operations: for p in primitives[o]: M += 'dispatch-%s/%s_%s.c: scripts/dispatch selected/%s_%s dispatch/ifunc\n' % (goal,o,p,o,p) M += '\tscripts/dispatch %s %s %s %s %s < selected/%s_%s > dispatch-%s/%s_%s.c\n' % (goal,o,p,host,projectnamespace,o,p,goal,o,p) M += '\n' makefile = M + makefile M = '' for o in operations: for p in primitives[o]: M += 'dispatch-%s/%s_%s.o: dispatch-%s/%s_%s.c\n' % (goal,o,p,goal,o,p) M += '\tscripts/compiledefault dispatch-%s %s_%s c\n' % (goal,o,p) M += '\n' makefile = M + makefile M = 'dispatch-%s-all: \\\n' % goal for o in operations: for p in primitives[o]: M += 'dispatch-%s/%s_%s.o \\\n' % (goal,o,p) M += '\n' M += '\ttouch dispatch-%s-all\n' % goal M += '\n' makefile = M + makefile # ----- projectlibrary M = 'odirs: usedimplementations\n' M += '\t( cat usedimplementations; echo dispatch-auto; echo dispatch-manual; echo compilers; echo cpuid ) > odirs\n' M += '\n' makefile = M + makefile M = 'ofiles: scripts/ofiles odirs usedimplementations dispatch-auto-all dispatch-manual-all compilers-all cpuid-all\n' M += '\tscripts/ofiles < odirs\n' M += '\n' makefile = M + makefile M = 'package/lib/lib%s.a: scripts/staticlib ofiles\n' % projectlibrary M += '\tscripts/staticlib lib%s\n' % projectlibrary M += '\n' makefile = M + makefile M = f'package/lib/lib{projectlibrary}.{so1}: scripts/sharedlib ofiles\n' M += '\tscripts/sharedlib lib%s -lrandombytes\n' % projectlibrary M += '\n' makefile = M + makefile M = f'package/lib/lib{projectlibrary}.{so}: package/lib/lib{projectlibrary}.{so1}\n' M += f'\trm -f package/lib/lib{projectlibrary}.{so}\n' M += f'\tln -s lib{projectlibrary}.{so1} package/lib/lib{projectlibrary}.{so}\n' M += '\n' makefile = M + makefile # ----- cpuid cpuid = host if not os.path.exists('cpuid/%s.c' % host): cpuid = 'default' M = '\n' M += 'cpuid-all: cpuid/%s.o\n' % cpuid M += '\ttouch cpuid-all\n' M += '\n' M += 'cpuid/%s.o: cpuid/%s.c\n' % (cpuid,cpuid) M += '\tscripts/compiledefault cpuid %s c\n' % cpuid makefile += M # ----- command copytree('command','build/%s/command'%host) dirlinksym('build/%s/command'%host,'bin','../package/bin') dirlinksym('build/%s/command'%host,'lib','../package/lib') dirlinksym('build/%s/command'%host,'include-build','../include-build') dirlinksym('build/%s/command'%host,'include','../package/include') with open('build/%s/command/link' % host,'w') as f: f.write('#!/bin/sh\n') f.write('target="$1"; shift\n') f.write('%s \\\n' % firstcompiler) f.write(' -fvisibility=hidden \\\n') f.write(' -o "$target" "$@"\n') os.chmod('build/%s/command/link' % host,0o755) commands = [] for fn in sorted(os.listdir('command')): if not fn.endswith('.c'): continue base = fn[:-2] deps = 'command/%s.o'%base link = 'cd command && ./link bin/%s %s.o'%(base,base) syslink = '' with open('command/%s' % fn) as f: for line in f: line = line.strip().split() if len(line) < 1: continue if line[0] != '#include': continue if '-lcpucycles' in line: syslink += ' -lcpucycles' if '-lrandombytes' in line: syslink += ' -lrandombytes' if '-l%s'%projectlibrary in line: deps += f' package/lib/lib{projectlibrary}.{so}' link += f' lib/lib{projectlibrary}.{so}' link += syslink M = 'command/%s.o: command/%s.c\n' % (base,base) M += '\tscripts/compiledefault command %s c -I include -I include-build\n' % base M += '\n' makefile = M + makefile M = 'package/bin/%s: %s\n' % (base,deps) M += '\t%s\n' % link M += '\n' makefile = M + makefile commands += ['package/bin/%s' % base] M = 'commands: %s\n' % ' '.join(commands) M += '\n' makefile = M + makefile # ----- manual pages for manpage in sorted(os.listdir('doc/man')): section = 'man%s' % manpage[-1] targetdir = 'build/%s/package/man/%s' % (host,section) os.makedirs(targetdir,exist_ok=True) shutil.copy2('doc/man/%s'%manpage,'%s/%s'%(targetdir,manpage)) # ----- make install M = 'install: scripts/install default\n' M += '\tscripts/install %s\n' % prefix M += '\n' makefile = M + makefile # ----- make default M = f'default: package/lib/lib{projectlibrary}.a package/lib/lib{projectlibrary}.{so} package/lib/lib{projectlibrary}.{so1} \\\n' M += 'commands\n' M += '\n' makefile = M + makefile with open('build/%s/Makefile' % host,'w') as f: f.write(makefile) # ----- build/0, build/Makefile dirlinksym('build','0',host) with open('build/Makefile','w') as f: f.write('default:\n') f.write('\tcd %s && $(MAKE)\n' % host) f.write('\n') f.write('install:\n') f.write('\tcd %s && $(MAKE) install\n' % host) f.write('\n') f.write('clean:\n') f.write('\trm -r %s\n' % host) log('configure done') with open('build/%s/configure.log'%host,'a') as f: f.write(configurelog) with open('build/%s/configure.log.latest'%host,'w') as f: f.write(configurelog)