-rw-r--r-- 1167 lib25519-20240321/crypto_nP/montgomery25519/ref10/montgomery.q raw
:name:fe:x2:z2:x3:z3:tmp0:tmp1: fe r:var/r=fe: enter f:enter/f:>X2=fe#1:>Z2=fe#2:>X3=fe#3:>Z3=fe#4: return:nofallthrough:<X4=fe#1:<Z4=fe#2:<X5=fe#3:<Z5=fe#4:leave: h=f+g:<f=fe:<g=fe:>h=fe:asm/fe_add(>h,<f,<g);: h=f-g:<f=fe:<g=fe:>h=fe:asm/fe_sub(>h,<f,<g);: h=f*g:<f=fe:<g=fe:>h=fe:asm/fe_mul(>h,<f,<g);: h=f^2:<f=fe:>h=fe:asm/fe_sq(>h,<f);: h=X1*g:<g=fe:>h=fe:asm/fe_mul(>h,x1,<g);: h=a24*g:<g=fe:>h=fe:asm/fe_mul121666(>h,<g);: assign x2 to h:<h=fe#1: assign z2 to h:<h=fe#2: assign x3 to h:<h=fe#3: assign z3 to h:<h=fe#4: : fe X2 fe Z2 fe X3 fe Z3 fe X4 fe Z4 fe X5 fe Z5 fe A fe B fe C fe D fe E fe AA fe BB fe DA fe CB fe t0 fe t1 fe t2 fe t3 fe t4 enter ladder # http://hyperelliptic.org/EFD/g1p/auto-code/montgom/xz/ladder/mladd-1987-m.op3 # reordered to fit into 2 temporaries D = X3-Z3 B = X2-Z2 A = X2+Z2 C = X3+Z3 DA = D*A CB = C*B BB = B^2 AA = A^2 t0 = DA+CB assign x3 to t0 t1 = DA-CB X4 = AA*BB E = AA-BB t2 = t1^2 t3 = a24*E X5 = t0^2 t4 = BB+t3 Z5 = X1*t2 Z4 = E*t4 # double-check against Theorem B.1 in Curve25519 paper: # X4-(X2^2-Z2^2)^2 # Z4-4*X2*Z2*(X2^2+(4*a24-2)*X2*Z2+Z2^2) # X5-4*(X2*X3-Z2*Z3)^2 # Z5-4*(X2*Z3-Z2*X3)^2*X1 return