-rwxr-xr-x 24640 lib25519-20220726/configure raw
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import shutil
import sys
import platform
import subprocess
import tempfile
import re
prefix = '/usr/local'
clean = True
host = platform.machine()
host = ''.join(c for c in host if c in '_0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
def dirlinksym(dir,source,target):
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=dir) as t:
os.symlink(target,'%s/symlink' % t)
os.rename('%s/symlink' % t,'%s/%s' % (dir,source))
makefile = ''
librandombytes = 'randombytes_kernel'
libcpucycles = 'cpucycles'
linktype = 'so'
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
if arg.startswith('--prefix='):
prefix = arg[9:]
if arg.startswith('--host='):
host = arg[8:]
host = host.split('-')[0]
if arg == '--clean':
clean = True
if arg == '--noclean':
clean = False
if arg == '--staticbinaries':
linktype = 'a' # binaries usable by themselves
if arg == '--nostaticbinaries':
linktype = 'so' # save disk space
raise ValueError('unrecognized argument %s' % arg)
if host == 'x86_64': host = 'amd64'
if host == 'i686': host = 'x86'
if host == 'armv7': host = 'arm'
echoargs = './configure'
echoargs += ' --prefix=%s' % prefix
echoargs += ' --host=%s' % host
if clean: echoargs += ' --clean'
if not clean: echoargs += ' --noclean'
if linktype == 'a': echoargs += ' --staticbinaries'
if linktype == 'so': echoargs += ' --nostaticbinaries'
if prefix[0] != '/':
raise ValueError('prefix %s is not an absolute path' % prefix)
rpath = None
# XXX: rpath = '%s/lib' % prefix
if clean:
shutil.rmtree('build/%s' % host,ignore_errors=True)
os.makedirs('build/%s' % host,exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs('build/%s/package/bin' % host,exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs('build/%s/package/lib' % host,exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs('build/%s/package/include' % host,exist_ok=True)
def copytree(src,dst):
# starting with python 3.8 can use shutil.copytree
# with dirs_exist_ok=True
# but want to support older versions of python too
for fn in sorted(os.listdir(src)):
srcfn = '%s/%s' % (src,fn)
dstfn = '%s/%s' % (dst,fn)
if os.path.isdir(srcfn):
shutil.copy2('api','build/%s/api' % host)
copytree('scripts-build','build/%s/scripts' % host)
copytree('cpuid','build/%s/cpuid' % host)
copytree('priority','build/%s/priority' % host)
os.makedirs('build/%s/include-build' % host,exist_ok=True)
shutil.copy2('randombytes/randombytes.h','build/%s/include-build/randombytes.h' % host)
shutil.copy2('cpucycles/cpucycles.h','build/%s/include-build/cpucycles.h' % host)
for bits in 8,16,32,64:
with open('build/%s/include-build/crypto_int%d.h' % (host,bits),'w') as f:
f.write('#include <inttypes.h>\n')
f.write('#define crypto_int%d int%d_t' % (bits,bits))
with open('build/%s/include-build/crypto_uint%d.h' % (host,bits),'w') as f:
f.write('#include <inttypes.h>\n')
f.write('#define crypto_uint%d uint%d_t' % (bits,bits))
# ----- compilers
def compilerversion(c):
p = subprocess.Popen(c.split()+['--version'],stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,universal_newlines=True)
out,err = p.communicate()
assert not err
assert not p.returncode
return out
compilerversionline = {}
compilers = {}
for arch in sorted(os.listdir('compilers')):
if arch.endswith('.c'): continue
if arch == 'default' or arch == host or arch.startswith('%s+' % host):
with open('compilers/%s' % arch) as f:
for c in f.readlines():
c = c.strip()
cv = compilerversion(c)
if cv == None:
print('skipping %s compiler %s' % (arch,c))
if arch not in compilers: compilers[arch] = []
compilers[arch] += [c]
cv = (c+'\n'+cv).strip().replace('\n','; ')
compilerversionline[arch,c] = cv
print('using %s compiler %s' % (arch,cv))
firstcompiler = compilers['default'][0]
compilerabbrev = {}
i = 0
for arch in sorted(compilers):
for compiler in compilers[arch]:
compilerabbrev[arch,compiler] = 'C%d'%i
i += 1
print('abbreviating %s = %s %s' % (compilerabbrev[arch,compiler],arch,compiler))
os.makedirs('build/%s/compilerarch' % host,exist_ok=True)
for arch,compiler in compilerabbrev:
with open('build/%s/compilerarch/%s' % (host,compilerabbrev[arch,compiler]),'w') as f:
f.write('%s\n' % arch)
os.makedirs('build/%s/compilerversion' % host,exist_ok=True)
for arch,compiler in compilerabbrev:
with open('build/%s/compilerversion/%s' % (host,compilerabbrev[arch,compiler]),'w') as f:
f.write('%s\n' % compilerversionline[arch,compiler])
with open('build/%s/scripts/compiledefault' % host,'w') as f:
f.write('dir="$1"; shift\n')
f.write('base="$1"; shift\n')
f.write('ext="$1"; shift\n')
f.write('cd "$dir" && \\\n')
f.write('%s \\\n' % firstcompiler)
f.write(' -fvisibility=hidden \\\n')
f.write(' "$@" \\\n')
f.write(' -c "$base.$ext"\n')
os.chmod('build/%s/scripts/compiledefault' % host,0o755)
# ----- run-time checks for whether host actually supports compiler
copytree('compilers','build/%s/compilers' % host)
for arch in sorted(compilers):
if arch == 'default': continue
assert os.path.exists('compilers/%s.c'%arch)
arch_csymbol = ''.join(x if x in '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' else '_' for x in arch)
M = '\n'
M += 'compilers/%s.o: compilers/%s.c\n' % (arch,arch)
M += '\tscripts/compiledefault compilers %s c -Dsupports=lib25519_supports_%s\n' % (arch,arch_csymbol)
makefile = M + makefile
M = '\n'
M += 'compilers-all: %s\n' % ' '.join('compilers/%s.o'%arch for arch in sorted(compilers) if arch != 'default')
M += '\ttouch compilers-all\n'
makefile = M + makefile
# ----- crypto
operations = []
primitives = {}
sizes = {}
exports = {}
prototypes = {}
with open('api') as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith('crypto_'):
line = line.split('/')
assert len(line) == 2
o = line[0].split('_')[1]
if o not in operations: operations += [o]
p = line[1]
primitives[o] = p
if line.startswith('#define '):
x = line.split(' ')
x = x[1].split('_')
assert len(x) == 3
assert x[0] == 'crypto'
o = x[1]
if o not in sizes: sizes[o] = ''
sizes[o] += line+'\n'
if line.endswith(');'):
fun,args = line[:-2].split('(')
rettype,fun = fun.split()
fun = fun.split('_')
o = fun[1]
assert fun[0] == 'crypto'
if o not in exports: exports[o] = []
exports[o] += ['_'.join(fun[1:])]
if o not in prototypes: prototypes[o] = []
prototypes[o] += [(rettype,fun,args)]
lib25519h = """\
#ifndef lib25519_h
#define lib25519_h
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
with open('version') as f:
version = f.readlines()[0].strip()
def cstring(x):
return '"%s"' % x.replace('\\','\\\\').replace('"','\\"').replace('\n','\\n')
lib25519h += '\n'
lib25519h += '#define lib25519_version %s\n' % cstring(version)
lib25519h += '#define lib25519_arch %s\n' % cstring(host)
lib25519h += '\n'
lib25519h += 'extern void lib25519_cpuid(unsigned int *,long long);\n'
for o in operations:
if len(sizes[o]) > 0:
lib25519h += '\n'
lib25519h += re.sub(' crypto_',' lib25519_',sizes[o])
for rettype,fun,args in prototypes[o]:
shortfun = '_'.join(fun[1:])
lib25519h += '\n'
lib25519h += 'extern %s lib25519_%s(%s);\n' % (rettype,shortfun,args)
lib25519h += 'extern %s (*lib25519_dispatch_%s(long long))(%s);\n' % (rettype,shortfun,args)
lib25519h += '\n'
lib25519h += 'extern const char *lib25519_%s_implementation(void);\n' % o
lib25519h += 'extern const char *lib25519_%s_compiler(void);\n' % o
lib25519h += 'extern const char *lib25519_dispatch_%s_implementation(long long);\n' % o
lib25519h += 'extern const char *lib25519_dispatch_%s_compiler(long long);\n' % o
lib25519h += 'extern long long lib25519_numimpl_%s(void);\n' % o
lib25519h += """
#ifdef __cplusplus
with open('build/%s/package/include/lib25519.h' % host,'w') as f:
os.chmod('build/%s/package/include/lib25519.h' % host,0o644)
for o in operations:
cryptoh = ''
cryptoh += '#ifndef crypto_%s_%s_h\n' % (o,primitives[o])
cryptoh += '#define crypto_%s_%s_h\n' % (o,primitives[o])
cryptoh += '\n'
for rettype,fun,args in prototypes[o]:
shortfun = '_'.join(fun[1:])
cryptoh += '#define crypto_%s_%s lib25519_%s\n' % (shortfun,primitives[o],shortfun)
cryptoh += '\n'
cryptoh += re.sub('crypto_%s_'%o,'crypto_%s_%s_'%(o,primitives[o]),sizes[o])
cryptoh += '\n'
for rettype,fun,args in prototypes[o]:
shortfun = '_'.join(fun[1:])
cryptoh += 'extern %s crypto_%s_%s(%s);\n' % (rettype,shortfun,primitives[o],args)
cryptoh += '\n'
cryptoh += '#endif\n'
with open('build/%s/include-build/crypto_%s_%s.h' % (host,o,primitives[o]),'w') as f:
ofiles = []
oicdirs = []
for o in operations:
for i in sorted(os.listdir('crypto_%s/%s' % (o,primitives[o]))):
impldir = 'crypto_%s/%s/%s' % (o,primitives[o],i)
if not os.path.isdir(impldir): continue
if os.stat(impldir).st_mode & 0o1000 == 0o1000:
print('skipping sticky %s' % impldir)
implarch = None
if os.path.exists('%s/architectures' % impldir):
with open('%s/architectures' % impldir) as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip().split()
if len(line) == 0: continue
if line[0] != host: continue
implarch = line
implarch = [host]
if implarch == None: continue
assert implarch[0] == host
for arch in compilers:
if any(implarchreq not in arch.split('+')[1:] for implarchreq in implarch[1:]):
for compiler in compilers[arch]:
compilerdir = compilerabbrev[arch,compiler]
namespace = 'lib25519_%s_%s_%s' % (o,i.replace('-','_'),compilerabbrev[arch,compiler])
oicdirs += ['%s/%s/%s' % (o,i,compilerdir)]
builddir = 'build/%s/%s/%s/%s' % (host,o,i,compilerdir)
doth = ''
doth += '#ifndef crypto_%s_h\n' % o
doth += '#define crypto_%s_h\n' % o
doth += '\n'
for m in exports[o]:
doth += '#define crypto_%s CRYPTO_NAMESPACE(%s)\n' % (m,m)
doth += '\n'
doth += sizes[o]
doth += '\n'
for rettype,fun,args in prototypes[o]:
doth += 'extern %s %s(%s) __attribute__((visibility("default")));\n' % (rettype,'_'.join(fun),args)
doth += '\n'
doth += '#endif\n'
with open('%s/crypto_%s.h' % (builddir,o),'w') as f:
with open('%s/compile' % builddir,'w') as f:
f.write('base="$1"; shift\n')
f.write('ext="$1"; shift\n')
f.write('if %s \\\n' % compiler)
f.write(' -I ../../../include-build \\\n')
f.write(' -fvisibility=hidden \\\n')
f.write(' -D"CRYPTO_NAMESPACE(name)=%s_##name" \\\n' % namespace)
f.write(' -D"_CRYPTO_NAMESPACE(name)=_%s_##name" \\\n' % namespace)
f.write(' -c "$base.$ext"\n')
f.write(' :\n')
f.write(' case "$?" in\n')
f.write(' 111)\n')
f.write(' # maybe someday compilers can be convinced\n')
f.write(' # to use exit code 111 for temporary failures\n')
f.write(' exit 111\n')
f.write(' ;;\n')
f.write(' *)\n')
f.write(' : > "$base.o"\n')
f.write(' touch "$base.o.compilefailed"\n')
f.write(' esac\n')
os.chmod('%s/compile' % builddir,0o755)
for fn in sorted(os.listdir(builddir)):
if fn.endswith('.c') or fn.endswith('.S'):
base = fn[:-2]
ext = fn[-1:]
makefile += '\n'
ofiles += ['%s/%s/%s/%s.o' % (o,i,compilerdir,base)]
makefile += '%s/%s/%s/%s.o: %s/%s/%s/%s\n' % (o,i,compilerdir,base,o,i,compilerdir,fn)
makefile += '\tcd %s/%s/%s && ./compile %s %s\n' % (o,i,compilerdir,base,ext)
# ----- dispatch
M = 'compiledimplementations: scripts/compiledimplementations \\\n'
for ofile in ofiles:
M += '%s \\\n' % ofile
M += '\n'
M += '\tscripts/compiledimplementations \\\n'
for oicdir in oicdirs:
M += '\t%s \\\n' % oicdir
M += '\t> compiledimplementations\n'
makefile = M + makefile
for goal in 'auto','manual':
os.makedirs('build/%s/dispatch-%s' % (host,goal),exist_ok=True)
M = ''
for o in operations:
M += 'dispatch-%s/%s.c: scripts/dispatch compiledimplementations\n' % (goal,o)
M += '\tscripts/dispatch %s %s %s < compiledimplementations > dispatch-%s/%s.c\n' % (goal,o,host,goal,o)
M += '\n'
makefile = M + makefile
M = ''
for o in operations:
M += 'dispatch-%s/%s.o: dispatch-%s/%s.c\n' % (goal,o,goal,o)
M += '\tscripts/compiledefault dispatch-%s %s c\n' % (goal,o)
M += '\n'
makefile = M + makefile
M = 'dispatch-%s-all: \\\n' % goal
for o in operations:
M += 'dispatch-%s/%s.o \\\n' % (goal,o)
M += '\n'
M += '\ttouch dispatch-%s-all\n' % goal
M += '\n'
makefile = M + makefile
# ----- lib25519
M = 'odirs: compiledimplementations\n'
M += '\t( cat compiledimplementations; echo dispatch-auto; echo dispatch-manual; echo compilers; echo cpuid ) > odirs\n'
M += '\n'
makefile = M + makefile
M = 'ofiles: scripts/ofiles scripts/checknamespace scripts/checkinsns odirs compiledimplementations dispatch-auto-all dispatch-manual-all compilers-all cpuid-all\n'
M += '\tscripts/ofiles < odirs\n'
M += '\tscripts/checkinsns %s < odirs\n' % host
M += '\tscripts/checknamespace lib25519 < odirs\n'
M += '\n'
makefile = M + makefile
with open('build/%s/scripts/staticlib' % host,'w') as f:
f.write('rm -f package/lib/lib25519.a\n')
f.write('ar cr package/lib/lib25519.a ofiles/*.o\n')
f.write('ranlib package/lib/lib25519.a || :\n')
f.write('chmod 644 package/lib/lib25519.a\n')
os.chmod('build/%s/scripts/staticlib' % host,0o755)
M = 'package/lib/lib25519.a: scripts/staticlib ofiles\n'
M += '\tscripts/staticlib\n'
M += '\n'
makefile = M + makefile
with open('build/%s/scripts/sharedlib' % host,'w') as f:
f.write('%s -shared \\\n' % firstcompiler)
if rpath:
f.write(' -Wl,-rpath=%s \\\n' % rpath)
f.write(' -Wl,-soname,lib25519.so.1 \\\n')
f.write(' -o package/lib/lib25519.so.1 \\\n')
f.write(' ofiles/*.o\n')
f.write('chmod 644 package/lib/lib25519.so.1\n')
os.chmod('build/%s/scripts/sharedlib' % host,0o755)
M = 'package/lib/lib25519.so.1: scripts/sharedlib ofiles\n'
M += '\tscripts/sharedlib\n'
M += '\n'
makefile = M + makefile
M = 'package/lib/lib25519.so: package/lib/lib25519.so.1\n'
M += '\trm -f package/lib/lib25519.so\n'
M += '\tln -s lib25519.so.1 package/lib/lib25519.so\n'
M += '\n'
makefile = M + makefile
# ----- librandombytes
copytree('randombytes','build/%s/randombytes' % host)
for r in 'devurandom',:
M = 'randombytes/%s.o: randombytes/%s.c\n' % (r,r)
M += '\tscripts/compiledefault randombytes %s c -I ../include-build\n' % r
M += '\n'
makefile = M + makefile
with open('build/%s/randombytes/staticlib' % host,'w') as f:
f.write('rm -f package/lib/lib%s.a\n' % librandombytes)
f.write('ar cr package/lib/lib%s.a randombytes/*.o\n' % librandombytes)
f.write('ranlib package/lib/lib%s.a || :\n' % librandombytes)
f.write('chmod 644 package/lib/lib%s.a\n' % librandombytes)
os.chmod('build/%s/randombytes/staticlib' % host,0o755)
M = 'package/lib/lib%s.a: randombytes/staticlib randombytes/devurandom.o\n' % librandombytes
M += '\trandombytes/staticlib\n'
M += '\n'
makefile = M + makefile
with open('build/%s/randombytes/sharedlib' % host,'w') as f:
f.write('%s -shared \\\n' % firstcompiler)
if rpath:
f.write(' -Wl,-rpath=%s \\\n' % rpath)
f.write(' -Wl,-soname,lib%s.so.1 \\\n' % librandombytes)
f.write(' -o package/lib/lib%s.so.1 \\\n' % librandombytes)
f.write(' randombytes/devurandom.o\n')
f.write('chmod 644 package/lib/lib%s.so.1\n' % librandombytes)
os.chmod('build/%s/randombytes/sharedlib' % host,0o755)
M = 'package/lib/lib%s.so.1: randombytes/sharedlib randombytes/devurandom.o\n' % librandombytes
M += '\trandombytes/sharedlib\n'
M += '\n'
makefile = M + makefile
M = 'package/lib/lib%s.so: package/lib/lib%s.so.1\n' % (librandombytes,librandombytes)
M += '\trm -f package/lib/lib%s.so\n' % librandombytes
M += '\tln -s lib%s.so.1 package/lib/lib%s.so\n' % (librandombytes,librandombytes)
M += '\n'
makefile = M + makefile
# ----- cpuid
cpuid = host
if not os.path.exists('cpuid/%s.c' % host):
cpuid = 'default'
M = 'cpuid-all: cpuid/%s.o\n' % cpuid
M += '\ttouch cpuid-all\n'
M += '\n'
M += 'cpuid/%s.o: cpuid/%s.c\n' % (cpuid,cpuid)
M += '\tscripts/compiledefault cpuid %s c\n' % cpuid
M += '\n'
makefile += M
# ----- libcpucycles
os.makedirs('build/%s/cpucycles' % host,exist_ok=True)
with open('build/%s/cpucycles/compile-ticks' % host,'w') as f:
f.write('arch="$1"; shift\n')
f.write('x="$1"; shift\n')
f.write('for source in try-"$arch"-"$x".c try-default-zero.c\n')
f.write(' cp "$source" "$arch"-"$x".c\n')
f.write(' %s \\\n' % firstcompiler)
f.write(' -I ../include-build \\\n')
f.write(' -fvisibility=hidden \\\n')
f.write(' -Dticks=cpucycles_ticks_"$arch"_"$x" \\\n')
f.write(' -Dticks_setup=cpucycles_ticks_"$arch"_"$x"_setup \\\n')
f.write(' -c "$arch"-"$x".c\n')
f.write(' case $? in\n')
f.write(' 0) break ;;\n')
f.write(' 111) exit 111 ;;\n')
f.write(' esac\n')
os.chmod('build/%s/cpucycles/compile-ticks' % host,0o755)
cpucyclesoptions = []
cpucyclesofiles = []
with open('cpucycles/options') as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
if line == '': continue
if line[0] == '#': continue
base = line.split()[0]
if not os.path.exists('cpucycles/%s.c' % base): continue
cpucycles = base.split('-')
if len(cpucycles) != 2: continue
if cpucycles[0] not in (host,'default'): continue
cpucyclesoptions += [cpucycles]
cpucyclesoptions += [['default','zero']] # must be last
for cpucycles in cpucyclesoptions:
base = '-'.join(cpucycles)
cpucyclesofiles += ['cpucycles/%s.o' % base]
shutil.copy2('cpucycles/%s.c' % base,'build/%s/cpucycles/try-%s.c' % (host,base))
M = 'cpucycles/%s.o: cpucycles/try-%s.c cpucycles/try-default-zero.c\n' % (base,base)
M += '\tcd cpucycles && ./compile-ticks %s %s\n' % (cpucycles[0],cpucycles[1])
M += '\n'
makefile = M + makefile
for fn in sorted(os.listdir('cpucycles')):
if not fn.endswith('.c'): continue
if '-' in fn: continue
base = fn[:-2]
cpucyclesofiles += ['cpucycles/%s.o' % base]
shutil.copy2('cpucycles/%s' % fn,'build/%s/cpucycles/%s' % (host,fn))
M = 'cpucycles/%s.o: cpucycles/%s.c\n' % (base,base)
M += '\tscripts/compiledefault cpucycles %s c -I ../include-build\n' % base
M += '\n'
makefile = M + makefile
with open('build/%s/cpucycles/options.inc' % host,'w') as f:
f.write('#define NUMOPTIONS %d\n' % len(cpucyclesoptions))
f.write('#define DEFAULTOPTION (NUMOPTIONS-1)\n')
for cpucycles in cpucyclesoptions:
f.write('extern long long cpucycles_ticks_%s_%s_setup(void);\n' % (cpucycles[0],cpucycles[1]))
f.write('extern long long cpucycles_ticks_%s_%s(void);\n' % (cpucycles[0],cpucycles[1]))
f.write('struct {\n')
f.write(' const char *implementation;\n')
f.write(' long long (*ticks_setup)(void);\n')
f.write(' long long (*ticks)(void);\n')
f.write('} options[NUMOPTIONS] = {\n')
for cpucycles in cpucyclesoptions:
f.write('{ "%s-%s", cpucycles_ticks_%s_%s_setup, cpucycles_ticks_%s_%s },\n' % (cpucycles[0],cpucycles[1],cpucycles[0],cpucycles[1],cpucycles[0],cpucycles[1]))
f.write('} ;\n')
with open('build/%s/cpucycles/staticlib' % host,'w') as f:
f.write('rm -f package/lib/lib%s.a\n' % libcpucycles)
f.write('ar cr package/lib/lib%s.a "$@"\n' % libcpucycles)
f.write('ranlib package/lib/lib%s.a || :\n' % libcpucycles)
f.write('chmod 644 package/lib/lib%s.a\n' % libcpucycles)
os.chmod('build/%s/cpucycles/staticlib' % host,0o755)
M = 'package/lib/lib%s.a: cpucycles/staticlib %s\n' % (libcpucycles,' '.join(cpucyclesofiles))
M += '\tcpucycles/staticlib %s\n' % ' '.join(cpucyclesofiles)
M += '\n'
makefile = M + makefile
with open('build/%s/cpucycles/sharedlib' % host,'w') as f:
f.write('%s -shared \\\n' % firstcompiler)
if rpath:
f.write(' -Wl,-rpath=%s \\\n' % rpath)
f.write(' -Wl,-soname,lib%s.so.1 \\\n' % libcpucycles)
f.write(' -o package/lib/lib%s.so.1 \\\n' % libcpucycles)
f.write(' "$@"\n')
f.write('chmod 644 package/lib/lib%s.so.1\n' % libcpucycles)
os.chmod('build/%s/cpucycles/sharedlib' % host,0o755)
M = 'package/lib/lib%s.so.1: cpucycles/sharedlib %s\n' % (libcpucycles,' '.join(cpucyclesofiles))
M += '\tcpucycles/sharedlib %s\n' % ' '.join(cpucyclesofiles)
M += '\n'
makefile = M + makefile
M = 'package/lib/lib%s.so: package/lib/lib%s.so.1\n' % (libcpucycles,libcpucycles)
M += '\trm -f package/lib/lib%s.so\n' % libcpucycles
M += '\tln -s lib%s.so.1 package/lib/lib%s.so\n' % (libcpucycles,libcpucycles)
M += '\n'
makefile = M + makefile
# ----- command
with open('build/%s/command/link' % host,'w') as f:
f.write('target="$1"; shift\n')
f.write('%s \\\n' % firstcompiler)
f.write(' -fvisibility=hidden \\\n')
f.write(' -o "$target" "$@"\n')
os.chmod('build/%s/command/link' % host,0o755)
commands = []
for fn in sorted(os.listdir('command')):
if not fn.endswith('.c'): continue
libs = set()
with open('command/%s' % fn) as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip().split()
if len(line) < 1: continue
if line[0] != '#include': continue
if '-lcpucycles' in line: libs.add('libcpucycles')
if '-l25519' in line: libs.add('lib25519')
if '-lrandombytes_kernel' in line: libs.add('librandombytes_kernel')
libs = sorted(libs)
# XXX: with more libs, might need non-default sort order for linking
base = fn[:-2]
M = 'command/%s.o: command/%s.c\n' % (base,base)
M += '\tscripts/compiledefault command %s c -I include -I include-build\n' % base
M += '\n'
makefile = M + makefile
M = 'package/bin/%s: command/%s.o%s\n' % (base,base,''.join(' package/lib/%s.%s' % (x,linktype) for x in libs))
M += '\tcd command && ./link bin/%s %s.o%s\n' % (base,base,''.join(' lib/%s.%s' % (x,linktype) for x in libs))
M += '\n'
makefile = M + makefile
commands += ['package/bin/%s' % base]
M = 'commands: %s\n' % ' '.join(commands)
M += '\n'
makefile = M + makefile
# ----- make install
M = 'install: scripts/install default\n'
M += '\tscripts/install %s\n' % prefix
M += '\n'
makefile = M + makefile
# ----- make default
M = 'default: package/lib/lib25519.a package/lib/lib25519.so package/lib/lib25519.so.1 \\\n'
M += 'package/lib/lib%s.a package/lib/lib%s.so package/lib/lib%s.so.1 \\\n' % (librandombytes,librandombytes,librandombytes)
M += 'package/lib/lib%s.a package/lib/lib%s.so package/lib/lib%s.so.1 \\\n' % (libcpucycles,libcpucycles,libcpucycles)
M += 'commands\n'
M += '\n'
makefile = M + makefile
with open('build/%s/Makefile' % host,'w') as f:
# ----- build/0, build/Makefile
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir='build') as t:
os.symlink(host,'%s/0' % t)
os.rename('%s/0' % t,'build/0')
with open('build/Makefile','w') as f:
f.write('\tcd %s && $(MAKE)\n' % host)
f.write('\tcd %s && $(MAKE) install\n' % host)
f.write('\trm -r %s\n' % host)