-rw-r--r-- 4705 lib25519-20241004/autogen/md-speed-bot raw
Microarchitectures are listed in reverse chronological order of when they were introduced.
Each library is assigned one foreground color in the table.
In the lib25519 distribution,
`command/lib25519-speed.c` measures lib25519;
`benchmarks/*-*` is the output of `lib25519-speed` on various machines;
`speedcomparison/openssl/*` has code to measure OpenSSL, and measurements from various machines;
`speedcomparison/s2n/*` has code to measure s2n-bignum, and measurements from various machines;
and `autogen/md-speed` extracts the table from those measurements.
OpenSSL benchmarks use version 3.3.2 (2024.09.03);
s2n-bignum benchmarks use commit acbb18e6343f12a7944de72c1ec0991739600f8c (2024.03.18).
The table reports only median cycle counts;
see the full output files
for differences between multiple measurements and the median.
The table reports the following major operations:
* "X key": Generating an X25519 public key and secret key.
This is `dh_x25519_keypair selected 32` in the `lib25519-speed` output
(`lib25519_dh_keypair` in the stable API).
For s2n-bignum,
this is `x25519-keygen` in the `s2n25519speed` output,
measuring the cost of `curve25519_x25519base_byte_alt`,
or `curve25519_x25519base_byte` on machines where that works and is faster.
For OpenSSL,
this is `x25519-keygen-main` in the `openssl25519speed` output,
measuring the cost of `EVP_PKEY_Q_keygen(0,0,"X25519")`.
This does not include small OpenSSL overheads for converting the public key and secret key to storage format.
* "X dh":
Generating an X25519 shared secret.
This is `dh_x25519 selected 32` in the `lib25519-speed` output
(`lib25519_dh` in the stable API).
For s2n-bignum,
this is `x25519-dh` in the `s2n25519speed` output,
measuring the cost of `curve25519_x25519_byte_alt`,
or `curve25519_x25519_byte` on machines where that works and is faster.
For OpenSSL,
this is `x25519-dh-main` in the `openssl25519speed` output,
measuring the cost of `EVP_PKEY_derive`
(as in OpenSSL's speed-testing utility).
This does not include the cost of `EVP_PKEY_new_raw_public_key`
to decode the public key (`x25519-dh-pkdecode`, 6836 cycles on Tiger Lake),
`EVP_PKEY_CTX_new` and `EVP_PKEY_derive_init` and `EVP_PKEY_derive_set_peer` for initialization
(together `x25519-dh-init`, 2423 cycles on Tiger Lake),
`EVP_PKEY_new_raw_private_key` to decode the secret key if it is not decoded already
(`x25519-dh-skdecode`, 112114 cycles on Tiger Lake).
* "X batch":
Cost _per secret_ of generating 16 separate shared secrets.
This is `nPbatch_montgomery25519 selected 16` in the `lib25519-speed` output _divided by 16_.
* "Ed key": Generating an Ed25519 public key and secret key.
This is `sign_ed25519_keypair selected 32` in the `lib25519-speed` output
(`lib25519_sign_keypair` in the stable API).
For OpenSSL,
this is `ed25519-keygen-main` in the `openssl25519speed` output,
measuring the cost of `EVP_PKEY_Q_keygen(0,0,"ED25519")`.
This does not include small OpenSSL overheads for converting the public key and secret key to storage format.
* "Ed sign": Generating an Ed25519 signature of a 59-byte message.
This is `sign_ed25519 selected 59` in the `lib25519-speed` output
(`lib25519_sign` in the stable API).
For OpenSSL,
this is `ed25519-sign-main` in the `openssl25519speed` output,
measuring the cost of `EVP_DigestSign`
(as in OpenSSL's speed-testing utility).
This does not include the cost of
`EVP_MD_CTX_new` and
(`ed25519-sign-init`, 2808 cycles on Tiger Lake),
and `EVP_PKEY_new_raw_private_key` to decode the secret key if it is not decoded already
(`ed25519-sign-skdecode`, 114894 cycles on Tiger Lake).
* "Ed verif": Verifying an Ed25519 signature and recovering a 59-byte message.
This is `sign_ed25519_open selected 59` in the `lib25519-speed` output
(`lib25519_sign_open` in the stable API).
For OpenSSL,
this is `ed25519-verify-main` in the `openssl25519speed` output,
measuring the cost of `EVP_DigestVerify`
(as in OpenSSL's speed-testing utility).
This does not include the cost of
`EVP_MD_CTX_new` and
(together `ed25519-verify-init`, 2579 cycles on Tiger Lake),
and `EVP_PKEY_new_raw_public_key`
to decode the public key being used for verification
(`ed25519-verify-pkdecode`, 7401 cycles on Tiger Lake).
* "Ed MSM": Cost _per point_ of multi-scalar multiplication with 16 points and 16 full-size scalars.
This is `multiscalar_ed25519 selected 16` in the `lib25519-speed` output _divided by 16_.